Consider the following sample of anti-China allegations;
1. China is a threat to world peace
2. China through Belt + Road Initiative will control all Developing Countries
3. Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines are threatened by China
4. China threatens to invade India
5. China commits genocide against the Uyghurs
6. China threatens to invade Taiwan
7. China forces the developing world into debt and then seizes its assets
8. China’s Regulators are interfering with Chinese Capitalism
9. China is a dictatorship
10. The Chinese people live in straitjackets with no political freedoms
11. Chinese overseas students are Spies
12. All Chinese companies report directly to the Central Committee of the Party
13. Chinese dissidents fill Chinese prisons
14. All Chinese Embassy staff are Spies.
The list is endless. There are many more allegations – China steals blueprints. China controls Mars. Chinese satellites threaten world security and more.
There are Two Possibilities;
The allegations are True and China is the principal number one dominating threat to the peace and stability of the World.
The allegations are Untrue and China has a system of Government and Growth that offers the World an alternative Blueprint for Development
What Is Happening? Is it Confrontation and the Prospect of War and Destruction or Is It Co-operation and the Prospect of Peace and Prosperity? Stark Choices.
Tomorrow – Why does International Capitalism Want More of China?