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Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Must read

Graham Perry
Graham Perry
Experienced Arbitration Lawyer | China & Chinese Business Affairs | Public Speaker/Lecturer.

This article focuses on allegations that China has committed genocide and forced sterilisation against the Uyghurs in order to reduce/eliminate the Uighur population. In the article, I look at the evidence – from Adrian Zenz, the BBC, and the personal testimony of Uighur women asserting that they are victims of sexual attack.

I also look at the wider picture; the geopolitical significance of the rise of China and the decline of the US; the different political systems in the UK and China; and the parallels with the Holocaust having regard to the comments of UK Jewish leaders about the Uyghurs.

I focus on the widely repeated Uighur detention figure of “one million” – see David Aaronovitch in the Times of 25 February 2021 and Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian of 27 February 2021 – and explore the origins of the 1m figure. I also evaluate the personal background and the specific allegations of genocide made by Adrian Lenz, the originator of much of the material that appears in the media.

This is not a short article. It cannot be. The topic is too significant to be dismissed with a few numbers and a few generalisations. I have attached three links that take the reader to additional information.

The context is significant here. The current media focus is, in fact, on China. China has surprised the capitals of the world with its progress. Its people have prosperity undreamed of by their parents and grandparents. Looking ahead, and with standards improving, Beijing has to work hard to keep control of the people’s expectations but it will soon eclipse the US as the leading world economic power.

And now to the nub. China, says the West, needs to be brought to heel. It needs to be taken down a step or two. That can only be achieved by economic boycott – or a “de-coupling” of the major economies from China It is no coincidence that the spate of anti-China articles on the Uyghurs has occurred as China’s economic rise has become so remorseless. The US, with help from the UK and others, is determined to stunt China’s economic growth. China must be “put in its place” and that is the overarching scenario in which the allegations of genocide and forced sterilisation are to be viewed.

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MARCH  2021

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  1. I am an expat Canadian living in China for almost 15 years. Like you, I am a lawyer, and in fact graced by her Majesty Queen Elizatbeth to have been appointed one of Her Majesty’s Counsel, Learned in the Law, i.e. a Q.C. However, after 37 years of practice in Toronto, I retured due to stress and medical reasons.

    Originally I came to China to teach English, snd for 6 years taught at a pivate high school, then privately for many years but am now entirely retired – remaing a resident having married a Chinese woman more than 12 years ago. I love this country and its people, and am not at all intimidated by the Communist government.

    I enjoyed watching your interview on CGTN today, agree with your conclusions, and opened this article to be able to read your latest thoughts on the so-called “genocide”, BUT, unfortunately, as you know, the video is a YouTube, which as you must also know is blocked in China so I am unable to open it. I have no difficulty in opening mp4 videos attached to an email, but you would have to have someone convert it. As well, I am not sure if it is the long article that you referred to in your interview, which is what I am seeking.

    By the way, I too am a Jewish lawyer. I guess we BOTH made our parents proud. LOL

    • Good to be in contact with you Buzz.
      Maybe we can meet when I next come to Beijing – post Covid.
      Please send me your email address and I will send you my article
      Graham P

  2. I am Philip Bradbury, a European living and working in Shanghai. I too saw your interview on CGTN today, and I congratulate you for standing up against this terrible tide of misinformation and lies. Eventually, as always happens in these propaganda stories, the truth will be known. I hope the people who are spreading these lies will then be held responsible for the damage they are doing to world peace.
    @Buzz of the Orient. Click on the Download (460.76 KB) link, the article downloads quickly.

  3. thank you for the article.

    I only have one objective question about the population increase/decrease cited here and elsewhere. the often quoted statistics conclude with the year 2018 – why do we not include the year 2019? (of which we now have the published statistic?)


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