This column has previously warned about the coming world power struggle over rare-earths (R-Es)
They are 17 metals that form under the earth’s surface + are vital for batteries used by car manufacturers. R-Es are also needed to produce wind turbines, solar panels, fibreoptic cables, missile guidance systems and submarines. China accounts for 58.33% of the global production of R-E and 95% of the world processing of the ore also takes place in China
A big political headache for the West. R-E is described as “industrial gold” – it is that vital to so many critical industries including lasers and ships. Beijing’s control of supplies gives China key leverage in any disputes. It has not been mentioned in US/China trade/tariffs/genocide issues but it is there, lurking in the shadows – an issue of big strategic importance. A coming factor in China/US relations.
See my article on China and the Uyghurs