In the past 20 years, housing + infrastructure have been the drivers of Investment. But they have to decline if China is to hit its carbon emission capping goals by 2030. Steel production curbs have already been imposed.
The new investment driver is high technology with the focus on Made In China + big funding for new semiconductor plants. Hardware investments will be prioritised over consumer internet + the political power of the big internet companies will be restricted.
The West is used to demand-led growth – influenced as it is by JM Keynes. But China’s investment-led approach has provided high returns + will continue to be the lead factor.
People fail to recognise the quality of China’s leaders – at all levels. Join the Party + your work has just begun. You have to perform +continue to perform. The anti-corruption drive applies to ensure the 89m Party members know they have to lead + serve at the same time. China’s model for world development is getting